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Writer's pictureKatie Lee

Gentle Morning Movement

After my surgery I was stuck on the couch for a few weeks and my body was sore, achey, healing, and just craving any movement possible. I wasn't able to do too too much for my lower body but I did this very slow flow routine. It is made up of stretches and gentle movement that you can do seated. Even though it is very simple, my body as well as my mind felt better every time afterwards. I now do this every morning before I get out of bed. It is a great way to softly waken up your body, bring awareness to any areas needing some extra love, focus on your breath, and to check in to see how you are feeling as you move from dream state into your day. It can also be a nice way to add a break in your day especially if you are working on a computer, seated at a desk, or just in one position all day long.

Good morning world!

There should be no pain, numbness, tingling, or extreme discomfort during any of these. Everyone has their own health issues and concerns going on so make sure your doctor has cleared you for activity. Remember to go slow, be gentle with yourself, and focus on your breathing. Practice breathing through your nose with deep inhales and exhales.

1. Start by sitting up nice and tall. Ground through your sit bones and pelvis and imagine a string is pulling you up tall through the crown of your head.

2. Slowly begin to roll your shoulders forward. Repeat 5-10x.

3. Then Roll them backward. Repeat 5-10x.

4. Seated tall with your shoulders down and back slowly move through all ranges of cervical motion.

Flexion- bring chin down to chest

Extension- slowly look up towards ceiling (stop if pain, discomfort, or dizziness occur)

Side bending- bring right ear towards right shoulder being mindful that you are not bringing your shoulder to your ear. Keep that shoulder down and your chin forward. Repeat on the left side

Rotation- slowly look over your right shoulder, again keeping both shoulders from creeping up towards your ears. Repeat to left side.

Repeat 5x each direction.

5. Bring your head back to centre and move into a side bending stretch for your scalene neck muscles. Bring your right hand to the ground and walk your fingertips away from you anchoring your right shoulder blade down. Then bring your left ear over towards your left shoulder. You can stay here or place your left hand just below your right collar bone holding the skin and fascia down for a deeper stretch. Hold for 30 secs and then do the same for the other side. Repeat 3x for each side.

6. Root your hips down and walk your hands forward gently resting your forehead on the ground or a pillow. Hold here for 30 secs focussing on your breathing feeling a good release in your back and lats. Then walk your hands over to the left ensuring your right sit bone (ischial tuberosity) is anchored down so you feel a stretch all along your right side body. Hold here for 30 secs then do the same on the other side. Repeat 3x in all directions.

7. Coming back to centre bring your left elbow or hand to the ground. Again keeping your right hip seated reach your right arm up and over towards the left. Keep your gaze to your right fingertips if possible. Hold here for 30 secs then repeat on other side. Repeat 3x each side.

8. Sitting tall with your hands resting on your knees, your chin slightly tucked, and your eyes closed finish off with a few slow deep breaths and meditation. Maybe setting your intention for the day or bringing your awareness to how your body feels even after just a short simple movement practice.

Continue on with your day feeling a little more more grounded.


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