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Writer's pictureKatie Lee

How a Good Morning Routine Can Help You Live Your Best Life

A few months ago I was stuck in a funk. It was grey and rainy here, the daylight hours were short, the COVID pandemic fatigue was catching up with me, I really really reallyyyyy wanted to travel, I was dealing with some health issues, and I was just feeling less inspired. I was staying up late watching a show or staring at a screen and then when morning came too quick I was pressing snooze several times and having to pullllll myself out of bed. Often I was checking my emails, messages, and social media right away. I was slow moving and in order to compensate, I was highly caffeinated. I felt sluggish and dull. My light felt dimmed and that carried out into my day. It was an ugly cycle and I just did not feel like my best self. I think most of us have been there, especially this past year, things seem heavier and life seems harder.

Waking with the morning light

I have never been a “morning person” and have always struggled with going to bed early. This year I decided I wanted to make a change. I decided I needed to prioritize my mornings like how I was prioritizing my coffee. I needed to take action so I could feel better and also be better. When you choose to take care of yourself you must prioritize your needs and do so with your full attention, as well as intention, in order to create the life you want and desire.

"...I think most of us have been there, especially this past year, things seem heavier and life seems harder."

After undergoing a pretty invasive surgery and finally being able to deal with some health issues I have taken these last few weeks to reset and create an enjoyable and fulfilling morning routine. It is still a work in progress but I have developed five basic principles that are valuable to me. My intention every morning is to incorporate some form of each principle into my routine. In my opinion the most important thing to remember is that every morning does not have to be the same. You don’t need to follow a strict list of 20 things that must be done right away as soon as you wake up. To me that seems stressful just thinking about it! Everyone is different and every day is different. When I wake up in the morning I want to feel inspired and excited to take on the day. I want to feel passionate and be in love with life. These are the values that I want to bring my attention, energy, and awareness to. These are the values that I base my morning routine off of so that I can start my day intentionally creating my best life and being my best self. The following are the five principles that I chose to develop my morning routine around:

1) Gratitude

Starting the day with gratitude, no mater what. Let me repeat, no matter what. Even on the days I’m sore or hurting or tired or just not feeling it I choose gratitude. I choose to be thankful for what I have and where I am. This focuses my energy on the abundance in my life. There have been many studies that support the association between a gratitude practice and mental wellbeing, increased happiness, decreased levels of stress, a positive outlook on the world, and better quality relationships. Some ways that I choose to incorporate gratitude into my morning routine include:

  • Thinking of the top five things that come to mind that I am grateful for as soon as I open my eyes

  • Keeping a journal beside my bed to write a list of things I’m grateful for when I wake up

  • Writing a thank-you letter to someone I am grateful for

  • Writing a thank-you letter and self care note to myself

  • Holding my hands at my heart and sending gratitude to each part of my body

  • Telling someone either in person or on the phone that I am thankful for them and why

  • Dedicating my yoga practice to someone or something in my life I am thankful for

  • Sometimes when I really want to focus on gratitude I sit and list every single thing I am grateful for in that moment (literally everything from my beating heart, each amazing person in my life, the birds, sunshine, ocean, mountains, healthy food, fresh water, a roof over my head, a job I love etc.)

What are you grateful for?

2) Hydration

After a full night’s sleep my body craves water and wants to be fully rehydrated. I do this from the inside out but also from the outside in. Depending on how I am feeling I will first either drink a litre of water, a large mason jar full of warm lemon water, a large glass full of greens mixed with water, or 16oz of celery juice. I will also sometimes shower right away and do a little hydrotherapy treatment of just a hot shower, some essential oils, and steam or, if my body needs it, even a contrast shower of hot and cold rinses. I will then hydrate my largest organ (the skin!!) from the outside in by massaging with coconut oil and then using a serum and cold gua sha tool on my face. I feel really good after following one or two of these forms of hydration and find it is a great way to wake up my body first thing in the morning.

3) Breath work

I find that doing some type of breath work in the morning helps to clear any blocked channels in my body, decreases tension, increases focus and alertness, and creates more clarity for the day ahead. The breath work I usually do is in one of the following forms:

  • Progressive muscle relaxation

  • Seated guided meditation (I will either do my own or I also like using insight timer)

  • Square breathing technique (inhale for count of 4, hold for 4, exhale for 4, hold for 4 and repeat as necessary)

  • Nauli Kryi (abdominal movement linked with breath and breath retention)

  • Deep breathing techniques during a meditative walk outdoors

4) Mindful Movement

Mindful movement is an excellent way to start the day in order to increase energy, happiness, and overall wellbeing. I think it is even better when I can do this outdoors. Getting fresh air and moving my body in a mindful way literally keeps me sane. It invigorates and inspires me to be my best self. Every day is different but ways that I choose to move include:

  • Neighbourhood walks, park walks, ocean walks, forest walks just walking to move with no specific route in mind

  • Hiking

  • Yoga practice

  • Some nice stretches and deep breaths on the balcony (if I have less time)

  • Jogging along the water

  • Turning on a good playlist and just dancing and moving around the house

  • A good strength training or HIIT workout (currently physically unable to do this but look forward to when I can!)

My favourite place to practice

mindful movement in the mornings

5) Nourishment

Finally I choose to nourish both my body and my mind. Again depending on how I am feeling I will have some type of balanced meal with a carb, protein, and fat. I have also lowered my caffeine consumption and will only have one cup of coffee or even just one cup of decaf after my meal. I will also choose something to read, something to write, a podcast to listen to, or some sort of creative pursuit in order to nourish my mind. My go to simple breakfast meals are:

  • Oatmeal with fruit and nut butter

  • Eggs, toast, and avocado

  • Protein shake smoothie bowl with granola

Fresh flowers and oatmeal, with coffee for after

So overall I think it is super important to create a morning routine that allows some flexibility because again, not everyone is the same and not every day is the same for every person. After a few weeks experimenting with what does and does not work for me, I am feeling good. I am feeling more inspired and lighter. These are the principles that allow me to design my best life based upon what I value, what I want to create, and who I want to be. Everyone is different and each person is so unique. Something that works for one person may not work for another. And that is the beauty of it all. We are all crafting our own paths. Alas, I have said this many times before but the most important thing is that however you choose to start your day, do so with intention. Do so with awareness. Prioritize how and what you want to start off your day by doing things that align with your values. Doing things that pave the way for you to live your best and brightest life.

"...And that is the beauty of it all. We are all crafting our own paths."


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