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Writer's pictureKatie Lee

My FAVOURITE Thoracic Spine Mobility Exercise

The thoracic spine or what is otherwise known as the mid back is such a crucial part of the body that often gets overlooked and forgotten about. Most people sit in front of a desk on a computer all day working working working away. Often times we round our shoulders forward, curl our upper backs, and arch our necks in weird ways without even realizing we are doing it. We sit for hours without moving at work, we bend forward to pick up our kids, we slouch as we drive, we lounge and watch Netflix, and we round forward while being engrossed in our phone and through all of this we are staying put in one plane of motion. No matter what it is we are doing it is super important to add multiple breaks in our day and ensure we are moving not just front to back (usually we are more rounded forward) but side to side and even adding in some rotation. I find even after standing over a massage table and treating for a few hours my back is stiff and needs some love. So here is my absolute favourite thoracic spine mobility exercise (ps scroll down for instruction and if you need a modification).

-Start on your knees

-Use your bottom forearm as an anchor pushing down into the floor

-Bring your other hand either to your low back or behind your head if you’re able

-Rounding your spine curl everything in towards your chest touching your top elbow to the ground

-Then slowly using control twist open towards the ceiling following with your head, cervical spine, and eyes (ensure the bottom forearm is still anchored and strong)

-Hold for an extra second at the top then come back to curl in

-Repeat 5-10x and then do on the other side

-ALSO, please do not hold your breath. Inhale as you curl in and exhale to twist open.

This should not cause any pain, numbness, or tingling. Stop if it makes anything worse. It should feel super yummy in your mid back giving you a little bit more mobility every time you do it. It may even help alleviate other discomfort coming from the cervical and lumbar spine.

If it is too much for you to do from this lower position start from table top (notice my core engagement before I do any movement) with your hand on the ground and work your rotations from there. Still moving nice and slow working with your breath.

If it is too much to bring your hand behind your head keep it on your low back.

Give it a try and let me know what you think!

Shine Bright Beauties. Much love.

"You are the age of your spine. You are as flexible as your spine. That transfers to other areas of your life." -Diane Lane

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