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Writer's pictureKatie Lee

Self-Care as a Lifestyle

The key to a self-care lifestyle is just that… making it a LIFESTYLE.

Self-care should be, and I would go as far as to say it needs to be a daily practice. It needs to be a choice you make every day not a one-time performance. Now don’t get me wrong a manicure or massage once a month is fabulous but I believe that in order to truly live your best life you need to choose to show up, take care, and love on yourself every damn day. Period.

Now you’re probably saying “but I have work deadlines”, “kids to take care of”, “yard work that needs to be done”, “exams to study for”, “meals to make”, “Netflix shows to watch” etc. etc. etc. The list goes on and on and on. I hear you. Life gets busy. It gets hard. It sometimes gets to full on survival mode (maybe a bit more this year than ever). Maybe you have other people relying on you. But I believe that when life gets chaotic the best thing you can do for yourself as well as everyone around you is take care of you. We have all heard the saying you can’t pour from an empty cup and that could not be more true. I have been on empty and it is not fun. I have experienced burn out. Loss. Fear. Overwhelm. Exhaustion. Most of us have been there. And in order to overcome the state of running on fumes we need to choose to live a self-care lifestyle.

" order to truly live your best life you need to choose to show up, take care, and love on yourself every damn day. Period."

Now I understand we all can’t wake up every single day and meditate for an hour, practice yoga, go for a run, juice the freshest vegetables, have a healthy breaky, do a workout, go to therapy, dig into our shadow selves, reflect on the past and plan for the future. That is a lotttt. And it is just not possible do all of that alllll the time. What is possible though is creating small practices where you intentionally choose self-love. It can be as simple drinking a glass of water, eating a meal a bit slower, positive self-talk, making an appointment with therapist or counsellor, taking a few deep conscious breaths, or five minutes of stretching in the shower. It doesn’t have to be big or extravagant. It doesn't need to take up hours of your day every day. What it does need to be is done with intention. The intention that you put into what you are doing can have such powerful effects.

"...What is possible though is creating small practices where you INTENTIONALLY choose self-love."

Get Inspired.

Follow along on this journey and I’ll be sharing many ways in which you can add just a little bit more self-love into your everyday.


Mar 01, 2021

Thank you for this! It’s a nice reminder to take things slow and do little things for yourself. ❤️

Katie Lee
Katie Lee
Mar 04, 2021
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Yes Exactly! Choosing to do little things with full intention that fill up your heart cup make such a difference🤗

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